
81 Driver & Conductor Detailed with Remedies eBook -ENG

Available to buy till November 30, 2023

Dive into the Mysteries of Numerology: Unraveling the 81 Combinations of Driver and Conductor"

Unlock the secrets encoded within your birthdate through the comprehensive exploration of numerology in this enlightening ebook. Authored by Rajjatt Sabhrwal, a seasoned numerologist with over five years of dedicated practice, this book delves deep into the intricate fabric of numerological combinations, elucidating the 81 unique blends of Driver and Conductor numbers.

In this meticulously crafted guide, discover how each combination of Driver and Conductor numbers influences one's personality, behaviors, strengths, challenges, and potential life trajectories. Rajjatt Sabhrwal's extensive research, refined through servicing numerous clients, brings forth detailed insights into these numerical alignments.

From Driver number 1 paired with Conductor number 1 to Driver number 9 paired with Conductor number 9 with remedies for all combinations.


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Please note that we do not currently have a return policy in place for our products. This is a one-time purchase product and you'll get a lifetime access to it.

Table of Content and no of pages?

The eBook comprehensively covers various aspects related to numerology, focusing on the 81 unique combinations of Driver and Conductor numbers. There are 236 total number of pages. Here's an overview of what will be covered in this eBook: 81 Combinations of Driver and Conductor in Numerology - A detailed exploration of each of the 81 unique combinations and their implications. Understanding Birth Date Number (Driver) Significance - Insight into the significance and interpretation of the Birth Date Number. Understanding Life Path Number (Conductor) Significance - Explanation of the Life Path Number and its influence on an individual's life. Exploration of Each Driver Number with Conductor Numbers (1-9) - Detailed analysis and interpretation of each Driver number combined with Conductor numbers from 1 to 9. How to Check Friendly and Anti Driver/Conductor Combinations - Guidance on determining friendly and adverse combinations of Driver and Conductor numbers. Remedies for Anti Driver/Conductor Conjunctions - Remedial measures and solutions for unfavorable Driver/Conductor combinations. Remedies for Planets - Specific remedies associated with different celestial bodies such as Sun, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, Ketu, Mars, and Rahu. This eBook also provides practical insights, examples, and suggestions for harmonizing energies associated with various numerical combinations. Additionally, it includes a detailed guide on remedies linked to planets for balancing energies and fostering positive outcomes.

What does this eBook offer regarding numerology combinations?

This eBook comprehensively explores the 81 unique combinations of Driver and Conductor numbers, shedding light on how these numerical pairings influence personality traits, behaviors, strengths, and challenges.

Who is the author of this eBook?

The eBook is authored by Rajjatt Sabhrwal, an experienced numerologist with over five years of practice. He has conducted extensive research, servicing clients and offering courses in numerology.

What knowledge level does this eBook cater to in terms of numerology expertise?

This eBook is suitable for individuals at all levels, whether you're new to numerology or seeking a deeper understanding. It offers fundamental insights as well as detailed interpretations for those familiar with numerology.

How are the numerology combinations explained in this ebook?

Each of the 81 combinations is intricately detailed, providing explanations, examples, and practical insights into how Driver and Conductor numbers interplay, influencing various aspects of life.

Are there additional resources or courses available for further learning?

Yes, at the end of the ebook, there is information provided about the "Master Numerology Course" which offers in-depth knowledge, online PDF notes, and quizzes for those interested in advanced numerology studies.

Does the eBook contain remedies or solutions related to numerology combinations?

Yes, the eBook includes remedies and suggestions associated with numerology combinations to harmonize energies and foster personal well-being, enhancing spiritual and karmic balance.

₹ 49.00